Client Referrals

Referral Process
Referrals to the program can be made by contacting Storey Homes at their main office in Orillia by telephone (705) 259-0908 or Fax 1-877-212-0510. A referral package is then required to be completed and returned to the home’s Supervisor and/or Director of Operations.
To make any inquiries you may contact our home’s Supervisors. For more information please call our main office in Orillia or consult our website for contact information.
The referral package and verbal information from the placing agency is submitted to Storey Homes and reviewed by the Area Supervisor and/or Director of Operations.
The referral information must include:
- the young person’s presenting behaviours, risks, strengths and goals
- level of supervision required
- health matters such as any conditions, medication, appointments and any special nutritional needs if applicable
- any known allergies
- the young person’s academic progress and any special needs if applicable
- family dynamics and any approved visits if applicable
- cultural and religious identification and affiliations
- information pertaining to: child welfare status, court orders, court dates, probation orders if applicable
- placement history and discharge recommendations
- social history
- previous assessments and treatment recommendations
Once the referral package is received, all information is reviewed and taken into consideration in relation to Storey Home’s resources, funding/per diem rate, group dynamics in the homes/programs and level of services required to meet the young person’s needs.
Once a decision regarding placement is made the referring agency will be notified with the decision (acceptance or refusal) within twenty-one (21) days of the date that referral was received.
Financial arrangements with the respect for the provisions of care will be discussed with the placing agency and be based on the approved per diem as set by the Ministry. Proper documents for any extraordinary costs shall be discussed and an agreement reached in writing prior to the date of admission.
If a referral is not accepted recommendations may be provided to the referring agency for alternative services or disposition. Documentation of declined referrals is maintained at the head office.
If the young person is accepted, the admission process, including a date for pre-placement, then admission, will be discussed with the referring agency.
If an answer to the referral cannot be provided in twenty-one days, then the referring agency will receive an email/ written correspondence explaining the delay and a final answer on outcome of the referral will be provided as soon as possible.
When reviewing referrals, Supervisors will take into consideration information received from the referring agency in attempts to match youth with suitable placements. Information considered includes but is not limited to:
- The young person’s cultural, racial, linguistic and socio-economic background and kinship ties
- Level of supervision
- Developmental, emotional, social, medical and educational needs
- Young person’s interests, abilities, strengths and risks
- Geographic location if reunification is part of the long-term goals

Admission Criteria
Children and Youth are referred to the Storey Homes program by Children’s Aid Societies and Child and Family Service Agencies, as well as First Nations Communities within the Province of Ontario.
Storey Homes serves youth who have a wide range of challenges and impairments, cognitive, emotional and behavioural. Children and youth referred to Storey Homes are typically between the ages of 5 and 18. On occasion and with planning, extended care and maintenance can be provided for youth over the age of 18. Coordination is required between Storey Homes, the placing agency and adult services.
Our mixed modality homes (Care Providers with Residential Care Workers for support and relief) are not equipped to deal with certain risks such as: fire setting, violent/assaultive/destructive behaviours or sexualized behaviours that put other children/ youth at risk.
Lengths of stay will be determined by the young person’s needs, goals and circumstances surrounding kin/family. Occasionally, extended care is provided if special circumstances warrant this prolonged stay in our care. We have no maximum limit on the length of time children stay with us. Each placement is regularly reviewed as part of the young person’s service plan/ Plan of Care to ensure that the needs are met and that the resources are available.
Receiving and Assessment homes provide shorter care periods as children and youth are assessed, stabilized and then transferred to an appropriate longer-term placement or returned to kin/family of origin.

Contact Us
John Seney
Executive Director
Karry Martins
Director of Operations
Benita Gayle
Area Supervisor
Durham Area
Roger Martins
Staff/Area Supervisor